At Hive Homes, we collaborate closely with real estate agents and firms to create tailored house and land packages that help sell land faster and more effectively. We specialize in developing catered marketing campaigns designed to showcase the best of each property, ensuring it stands out in the market. By partnering with Newhomes.co.nz, we offer real estate professionals the opportunity to list properties for free, expanding their reach and enhancing visibility. Enquire today to learn how we can work together to deliver outstanding results for your clients and properties.

Why Partner With Hive
Many prospective buyers interested in purchasing undeveloped land often struggle to visualise optimal designs or suitable construction options for the plot.
House and land packages offer an ideal solution by allowing potential buyers to easily envision and understand what they can achieve within their specified budget.
By opting for a house and land package, buyers can grasp the included specifications and products in one comprehensive deal, simplifying the decision-making process.
Collaborating with Hive Homes provides agents access to arange of options, enhancing their selling capabilities and providing customers with added service and professionalism.

Marketing / Advertising
Hive Homes also supports marketing efforts by sharing promotional
materials related to house and land packages. Additionally, we advertise on dedicated platforms like
1. www.newhomes.co.nz (H&L package and land only listing)
2. www.houselandpackages.co.nz
3. www.oneroof.co.nz
4. database of 20,000 individuals
Regular newsletters are sent out to update subscribers about available packages in serviced areas. No fees are charged for this service, Hive Homes markets for free to
secure builds.
Our Process From Here

Step One
Send land info to Graeham@hivehomes.co.nz
- Covenants
- Land price
- As-builts with site map measurements
- Geo report if any

Step Two
Hive Homes will create the perfect package tailored to your clients section, designed to stand out and attract a quick sale. We specialise in offering multiple house and land packages at different price points to suit a variety of buyers in the market, ensuring that your property appeals to a broad audience.

Step Three
We will then provide the house and land packages along with the marketing materials for the agent to review. Once approved, the agent can share the relevant details with potential buyers and upload the information to their own advertising channels.

Step Four
House land packages / the land listing will be uploaded to
- www.newhomes.co.nz
- www.houselandpackages.co.nz
- www.hivehomes.co.nz
- www.oneroof.co.nz
- Hive Homes database newsletter 20,000 potential buyers
- Window and TV display for hive homes office
- House and Land Site sign if allowed (Agent to approve)
- Social media pages: Tiktok, Facebook, and Instagram

Step Five
Once a qualified lead is identified and an offer is made, the next step is to collaborate with the agent to formalise the sales process. First, request the agent to prepare the Sale and Purchase (S&P) agreement and send it to the Hive Homes client for review and signing

Step Six
If the land sells, please inform Hive Homes right away so we can remove the listings from all platforms, ensuring no further inquiries and keeping our property portfolio up to date
At Hive Homes, we collaborate closely with real estate agents and firms to create tailored house and land packages that help sell land faster and more effectively. We specialise in developing catered marketing campaigns designed to showcase the best of each property, ensuring it stands out in the market.

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