Your home design is finalised and the specifications are chosen, we move into the engineering phase where the plans are priced. Once your paperwork is submitted to your lawyer and finance approval is confirmed, we’ll invoice you for your first 10% payment, minus any preliminary fees. Your admin contact will then schedule consultations for colours, products, and your kitchen design, as well as an electrical review, which usually takes around three hours. After you’ve signed off on pricing, your account admin manager will guide you through the final paperwork, including the spec, building contract, and essential services. Once the engineered plans are ready, Hive Homes will submit everything to the council for building consent, a process that typically takes up to three months. Each step is designed to keep you informed and on track toward your new home.

Next Step Hive Portal
Now the prelim engineering fees are paid, the Hive Homes team will send you your unique client portal login. Here you will access your full project until build completion. Design, pricing, contracts, and construction progress. All Hive correspondence happens through this portal, so we never miss a thing.

Next Step Your Home Design
The Hive design team will start working on your new home taking into consideration your wishlist, budget, and goals. Once your home is ready, we will present this in 3D for you to view. Any changes will be noted down and once you are happy, you will sign your design off.

Next Step Choosing Your Specification
The Hive design team will start working on your new home taking into consideration your wish list, budget, and goals. Once your home is ready, we will present this in 3D for you to view. Any changes will be noted down and once you are happy, you will sign your design off.

Next Step Pricing Your Plans
Once your plans have been signed off and you have signed off your specification, your new home will be sent off to get quoted. Pricing can take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks depending on the size of the project. Once all quotes have come in, we will then book a meeting with you to go through everything in detail.

Next Step Engineering
We will get all your engineered plans done for council. Between engineering and council we allow for 3 months.

Next Step Building Contract
Once pricing has been signed off, all your paperwork will be handed over to your account admin manager. We will then book a time to go through paperwork in detail. Included in this paperwork will be: spec, building contract, insurance, power connection, and Hive’s standard letters.

Next Steps First Payment 10%
Once you have solicitor approval and finance approval confirmed, we will invoice for your first instalment of 10% minus the prelim fee you have already paid.

Next Step Colours, Kitchen and Electrical
Your Hive Homes admin person will book you in to do your colours, products and kitchen consult, and go through your electrical schedule. We allow for 3 hours to do all of this.

Next Step Building Consent
Once we have received all of your engineered plans Hive will submit your plans to council for building consent, between engineering and council we allow for 3 months.

Next Steps Earthworks Starts
Once Building consent has been approved we can now plan and start the building excavation, and start moving towards getting your foundation slab built.
Once you have decided to move forward with Hive Homes, what are the next steps

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