Park Green is set to become a new and vibrant community where people love to live. Spanning 97 hectares of undulating land with the rare feature of expansive access to a coastal estuary, Park Green offers a truly active lifestyle that will provide a sense of space and a high-quality living environment. Park Green has been designed for its residents and also as a destination for visitors to experience the greenways and waterfront together with local hospitality. It will cater for recreational interests including extensive cycleways and walkways, provide educational facilities, and a Neighbourhood Centre, for everyday needs, within a leafy precinct that will deliver a genuine village atmosphere. Park Green is a significant part of the Hingaia peninsula and provides for an upper harbour estuary setting with a significant coastal edge, freshwater streams and large areas of greenways. The location and topography offer outstanding views to the immediate surroundings, including the Hunua Ranges, Bombay Hills and Pukekohe Hill, providing a mix of urban and rural outlook. The long harbour edge connects the development to nature while providing recreational opportunities both within the terrestrial and marine environments. A new primary school, together with local services is planned to be centrally located in this wider developing community, creating a community hub at Park Green. Amenity areas are also envisaged at the coastal edge providing facilities for people to visit and enjoy the wider landscape. Once finished, Park Green will cater for around 1,250 dwellings overall.