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Pararēkau (Karaka) Island

calendar icon Added on: 26 Nov, 2024
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Pararēkau island Just Imagine... Moments after you leave the motorway, you drive through the gates and take a breath. Fresh salty air greets you, as the sun starts to set, over sparkling sea. Driving over the causeway and through 6 hectares of bush covered reserve tells your body to relax, in the way only nature can. The trees part to reveal the main island - your island. Welcome to Pararēkau - luxurious island living off the coast of Karaka. A limited number of sections are now available for pre-sale from NZ$1.6M The best of both worlds. Nestled in the calm waters of the Manukau Harbour, just off the coast of Karaka, Pararēkau Island is truly a unique location. Standing on the island, feeling the soft ocean breeze, It’s hard to believe you’re just 3 minutes drive to the motorway, and 33 kilometres from Auckland’s CBD.

Explore the floor plan

Key Features

• A unique island lifestyle
• 3 minutes to the motorway
• A stunning walking track around the island and through the nature reserve
• Section sizes from 504m2 to 1,423m2
• Fibre, Power, Water and Sewer connections ready at each section

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